Search results for: “augmented reality”

  • Google Introduce Live Search and Augmented Reality With Google Goggles

    Smart move. Just when we’re about to be swarmed with augmented reality apps Google takes a step forward and turns the whole hype into something mainstream. Yesterday the search company introduced a number of new things. Apart from the new live search my favorite was Google Goggles. A new app for the Android that let’s […]

  • Logistics innovated with Augmented Reality

    United States Postal Service has launched this augmented reality application that allows their customers to find out if a certain shipment fits the box and thereby also finding out what it actually costs. It’s smart, it’s branding and it’s innovation! SwissMiss got me hooked up.

  • Augmented advertising will hype your brand!

    The other day I spotted this video showcasing i-TAG augmented reality toys. It’s the result of a cooperation between toy manufacturer Mattel and James Cameron in order to support the launch of the motion picture Avatar coming in fall 2009. These next generation trading cards comes with a 3-D Web tag, called an i-TAG, a […]

  • Top 100 Posts On The Future Of Communication by Johan Ronnestam Posted Between 2005 and 2011

    Some of you might have followed my blog since way back while others followed me only a couple of days. So I decided it was time to dig into Google Analytics and gather my top 100 blog posts, based on traffic, (I have written 596 to this date) between the years 2005 and 2011 for […]

  • Om du missade Sweet Sunday Web Crunch

    Igår kväll intog jag soffan hos Björn Falkevik, Mattias Östmar och Joakim Nyström. Det var dags för andra episoden av Sweet Sunday Web Crunch eller Geek TV som en del kallade konceptet på Twitter. Geek TV var ett rätt beskrivande namn alla fall på gårdagens ‘TV’ program som sändes live på Bambuser. Under ca 70 […]

  • Brand and Communication Predictions For 2010 by Johan Ronnestam

    This last year, 2009 has been a blast in many ways. Almost every day I’ve received interesting news from friends, other bloggers and my RSS feeds. Even thought we’ve seen one of the most severe economical downturns this year it seems advertising, communication and technology has been the business to be in. Brands seem to […]