Tag: gigaom

  • First came the voice, then came the finger and now comes the voice again

    Aha. So you’re still at home crying about that car you drove of the bridge while texting ‘Look, I can drive without holding the steering wheel’. Well, not to worry. Vlingo has got just the thing for you. These guys have launched an application that allows mobile phone users to speak and look-up information such […]

  • The 2007 Crunchies Awards now open for entry

    Do you wanna keep track of the year’s most innovative technical, creative and business accomplishments of key companies, products and people. GigaOm, Read/WriteWeb, VentureBeat and TechCrunch announced yesterday that nominations for the 2007 Crunchies Awards are now open. And since all four of these companies are constantly in the forefront of what’s hot and new, […]