It's friday and I like

Yesterday I had a very nice evening. First a visit to Berghslive. Lot’s of student. Lot’s of great work. I actually ended up buying one of the students pieces. I’ll show you what that was in a couple of days.
After that followed a date with Mr Aviation,  Ms Gin Fizz, a dame called Strawberry Blizz, and someone called Bronx Cocktail. We all had a blast.
Those were things I enjoyed yesterday. Today when I’m up and awake I like this new commercial for Orangina:

…and this new flick for H&M Matthew Williamson…

..and this corny thing for Oasis softdrinks.

Ultimately. They all got me interested. They all made me look. They all entertained me.
They cured me.
Today – here I come!



