Tag: ai

  • AI and Chat GPT4. To be or not to be?

    AI and Chat GPT4. To be or not to be?

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been progressing at a remarkable pace in recent years, and Chat GPT4, the latest development, is no exception. While some eagerly await its open release, others call for its prohibition. How should we view this emerging technology? As with any innovation, it’s crucial to examine Chat GPT4 critically, considering the ethical […]

  • The future belongs to cool robots and it scares the hell out of me

    Terminators. Robots created by mankind came to the decision that in order for them to solve their tasks it was more efficient if mankind were extinct. A fantasy or a probable future? The last couple of years I’ve seen lots of videos coming out from laboratories that makes the Terminator future quite possible. I can […]