Tag: gaming

  • Can XBOX360 Natal really be this good

    About 2 month ago this video below showing the next generation controls for XBOX360 – The Natal – was uploaded to YouTube. It was first showed at the E3 Expo in L.A. The question is – can the XBOX 360 Natal really be this good. I mean, look at how it senses small arm movements, […]

  • When I was 5 years old Backgammon was a cool looking game

    I remember when I was about 5 years old, my parents had a Backgammon gaming board in our livingroom and I thought it was a beautiful pattern on top of it but I didn’t have the slightest idea how that game was played. As I was browsing through the most viewed YouTube videos of the […]

  • Barack Obama places advertising in Xbox Live games

    I wrote earlier today about Barack Obama and his tounge in cheek digital campaign. Then today I found through Greg Browns blog filtered that ads have started to