Tag: tools

  • Surf's Up! Or…Are You Having Problems Getting Waved

    You might be one of the lucky ones finding yourself logged into your brand new Google Wave account? Then you, just like me, might also think something must be wrong with you since you’re not getting what all the hype is about. Google themselves has launched a couple of videos showcasing the possibilities with the […]

  • What are people doing online while you're reading this post

    A Tweet from Gary Hayes caught my eye this morning. I followed a link and found this wonderful social media counter. Gary has built and coded this app based on data collected from a range of social media sites. Sit tight and watch the thing start counting. After a couple of seconds you’ll grasp the […]

  • How to work better by Peter Fischli & David Weiss

    One of my favorite graphical drive thru’s is FFFFound. It’s a never ending source of inspiration. Today I found this image above, originally posted by Today and Tomorrow. It’s been made by Peter Fischli & David Weiss, the same guys that made ‘The Way Things Go’ which was the inspiration for the classical Honda COG […]

  • There's a lot of buzz about Twitter and here's a tip about another 100

    Everyone are going bananas over Twitter and the marketing potential with micro blogging. People who are into it are totally sold. People who are not doesn’t understand jack shit. The thing with Twitter is that you’ve gotta get yourself in there, start listening to the twitter and slowly adapt to a strange new culture. Once […]