Case: Let's Bank with Fredrik 'Benke' Rydman and Marginalen Bank.

If you’ve followed this blog and me for a while you know I’ve been heading the work of making one of Sweden’s newest brands come to life – The Marginalen Bank.
It’s a fantastic assignment where I’ve together with Caroline Karlström have been given the honor of both creating the actual brand as well as establish it and building it on the Swedish market. Read more about that here and here.

Today another chapter in the Marginalen Bank branding story was written.

This morning our latest move to continue differentiating the bank from it’s competitors went live. And I’m damn proud of the results. The challenge was to create a concept that continues to build the Marginalen Bank brand in a positive way and emotional way. We felt we needed to innovate the creative concept we had previously worked with and move beyond illustrations but still stay within the areas of art and creativity. With this in mind we created a new communication platform that truly emotionalizes the brand, creates awareness and hopefully creates positive results.
The idea: Have creative people within the cultural industry interpret different key aspects of Marginalen Bank’s business areas.

We teamed up with the fantastic dancer, and great personality Fredrik ‘Benke’ Rydman, more known to some of you for being one of the founders and creative leaders behind the dance group Bounce. (If you don’t know of Bounce chances are that you probably know about the Flashmob tribute Bounce performed when Michael Jackson died.) Today Benke is running his own dance studio House of Shapes in Stockholm as well as creating dance concepts of different kinds.
My creative brief to Benke was short: How would you interpret economical balance in 30 seconds. He then created the choreography while I took lead of the creative direction of the visual and musical expressions.
The results:

Marginalen Bank presents: Fredrik ‘Benke’ Rydman interpreting economical balance.
The TVC was shot this summer at the Independent Studios in Stockholm. Last year I produced a film for Svenska Spel together with Isak Sjöholm and his production company Isprod. Isak have been doing fantastic stuff for WESC and given the fact that I personally know Greger Hagelin, the man behind that WE, I felt we would do good by working with Isak once again. Said and done.

The making of the Marginalen Bank – Benke TVC.

The Outdoor advertising

Together with photographer Andreas Lübeck we created a set of images to be used both on outdoor advertising as well as in tactical activities both of and online. Here’s a couple of examples:

So there we are. If you’re in Sweden the next couple of weeks you’ll probably feast your eyes on some of these executions.
Have a great day!



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