This is the blog of Johan Ronnestam.
Find out more about Johan on Ronnestam Creative Studio
A book about typefaces that makes you go wow!
Snow, food and wine. That’s why I haven’t been blogging away the last couple of days. I’m in the Swedish ski resort Tandådalen with my oldest daughter Ebba. I could not resist however to post this video showing this ABC3D pop-up book by Marion Bataille. It’s a true beauty and shows how innovation really makes […]
Branding. Lesson one by Honda.
Its amazing how Honda continuously innovate their brand message. Don’t you think?
Joost launched for iPhone but they've stopped 3G watching for now.
Today I installed the new Joost iPhone app released this friday. I’m amazed beyond explanation. This single app will change mobile TV. It’s the first application for a mobile that lets you watch full length movies. And you get to choose from any of Joosts +46000 videos. What strikes me is the fact that my […]
I'm watching you!
The good old GIF format can still convey wonderful emotions. Found on FFFFound.
More than 80% use Google instead of the actual URL when visiting a brand website.
In order words. You sure as hell wanna make sure that brand of yours is found among the top searches on Google. SEO is more important than ever. Building websites that get listed and linked up is key. So, if you wanna get our management team on board, do the following 3 steps: Print this […]
I'm getting my daughter one of these
Yes its paper and no, everything doesn’t have to be digital. This new camera from Zink is absolutely something my daughter would love. We all remember the wonderful feeling of shooting something with a Polaroid and then waiting for that photo to slowly appear on the paper. I do hope that Zink has built in a 30 […]
I'm officially a sucker for cars. And that's why I just have…
…to post this video of the new Porsche Panamera. Officially released today. Interesting also from a marketing perspective. Porsche have never released something like this before. Porsche Panamera Picked it up from Luxury Insider, founded by two guys I met at a marketing event in Monte Carlo a couple of years ago.
Star Wars holograms are no longer part of the future.
I bumped into this post about an adidas Hologram before getting to sleep. Wow. This technology is really becoming something to consider for all kind of marketing activities.
ps. För er som läser på Svenska
Följ min blogg med bloglovin Den här veckan gästbloggar jag hos Internet World på Loggenbloggen.
Is MobileMe the iTunes killer?
Ok. I know this may sound like a far fetched idea. But one thing that I’ve always loved is when companies managed to structurally bind me to their service or product. (I don’t love it, but I’m impressed) Think Bank. In order for me to log on and manage my bank account I have to […]
I don't know why, when and where…
…but I’ll definitely end up using this photo as the basis for a future campaign. It has something powerful yet calm over it. Found it at as usual.
How to: A. Launch a successful web application. B. Earn money on books. C. Run projects online.
Saturday. Its early in the morning and its snowing outside. I remembered a business case that I thought I should share with you. But my brain seems filled with Slush Puppie and nothing seems to come out of my fingers the way I want it. So, here it comes straight up. A. Read Getting Real […]
Ocarina shows why it's not about having MMS in your iPhone
When the iPhone was launched people were judging the new mobile by its content. Well, by now I think most people has understood that what’s in there from start is not the thing, its what creative people will do with the technology that matter. The new application Ocarina, the second iPhone application from Silicon Valley […]
So you think Minority Report is a fantasy?
Well, think again. Here’s the G-speak spatial operating environment from Oblong Industries. Finding traffic from Daytona’s account led me straight to the source.
How much longer can online advertising play hard to get without clients waking up?
I have spent the last hour looking through some of the latest additions to What strikes me is how stunning most production are right now. The quality of the latest things released by agencies worldwide is amazing. Its also extra fun to see that a lot of the campaign sites has been produced by […]
Who the hell are you
The image above is a screenshot from my statistics software showing you the most recent searches. 9 of the latest 18 includes ‘ronnestam’ (50%) in one way or another. So I’m wondering – who are you, what are you looking for, do you represent a brand, an agency or yourselves. Sooner or later I’ll […]
What a funny morning. But how funny really?
FFFFound got the good stuff as always.
A structured visualization of planning
Leon is a planner at the Stockholm branch of Jung von Matt. Apart from that he’s running a blog called The Planning Lab that I tap into on a daily basis. The other day he posted the sweet little visualization of the planning process above. Here’s two recommendations. 1. Read Leons blog. 2. Download the planning […]
Eniro – Tänk om, tänk nytt och tänk annorlunda
Svenska Eniro kämpar om svenska sökmarknaden. Google, Live och Yahoo visar dock inga tecken på att tappa allt för mycket trafik, särskilt om man sätter det i relation till den mängd traditionell reklam Eniro formligen sprutar ur sig? Någon som sett en annons på stan för Google? Varför ser vi inte mer innovation kopplat till […]
Dion Hinchcliffe show you the innovation opportunities
Saturday. Got my sister’s kids over. After 20 books, 10 songs and probably 10 extra visits to the toilette (without result) before the little devils finally fell asleep there’s really no room for blogging. But while waiting for one of them to fall asleep I found this great visualization of innovation opportunities on Dion Hinchcliffe’s […]
Boligan won at SIME but Booli is a winner in my heart
Boligan, a site that challenges established real estate sites like Hemnet online walked of the stage with the prize for Best Internet Strategy. It’s a pity though that Booli wasn’t even among the nominated. A better site, a better strategy and a more modern way of implementing technology.
Why am I blogging when I’m not making any money of it…or am I?
I attended a thing called the Blogger Meetup at SIME today where we all had informal session with Kris Hoet, Joi Ito, Tom Crampton, Dave Sifry, Nico Luma and Bob Stumpel. The talk was mostly why people were blogging, how blogging would evolve in the future and how to make money off it. Absolutely one […]
Björn is liveblogging from SIME (UPDATED)
Right now on stage we have Nicholas Högberg from 3 talking about Change. Personally I do not intend to cover the SIME event on my blog. I do however expect to come back in a week or two with new insights about the future. While you’re waiting for me why not head over to Björn Alberts and […]
This is me and I'll be at SIME & Top100
Följ min blogg med bloglovin On the 12th and the morning of the 13th november (tomorrow and the day after) I’ll attend the Scandinavian Interactive Media Event – SIME. I’ll also attend the Top100 event on the evening of the 12th. If you happen to be there and wanna meet up for a chat. Feel […]
It's Sunday and you're free.
Aung San Suu Kyi is not. Don’t ever forget that!
Amazon frustration free packaging adds consumer value and secures my future relation with my kids
I criticized the jungle branded company a couple of days ago because of their new shopping experience. Now I’m going to send them of on a rocket to my 7th heaven. This video shows a new feature that they are implementing on their big sellers – the Amazon Frustration Free Packaging. Wow. That’s all I […]
Visualization makes things easy to understand
Något för Svenska communities och sajter att inspireras av
Föredömligt av Facebook en dag som denna. Uppdaterat Johan Jenefeldt ropade till om Starbucks. Ytterligare ett föredöme.
Can extreme differentiation turn anything into luxury?
Danish Brewery, Jacobsen Brewhouse has released the most expensive beer in the world. This little drug is called Vintage Nr. 1. The price tag is €261. It’s funny. Neil French, legendary copywriter created a campaign for Singapore Press Holdings that was to prove to clients who believed that beer could only be advertised on television, […]
There is advertising that makes you go 'wow' and there is advertising that makes you 'noo'
This wonderful piece made for The Red Cross and found on FFFFound definetely make me go wow. I’ve seen it before but then today it passed by my eyes when image browsing. To me this is a great idea executed in the smartest way. Wonderful thinking when it comes to integrating the logo inside the […]
Internets historia
Den här veckan är jag bland annat på Stockholms Universitet och pratar om digital kommunikation. Därför hinner jag inte riktigt med att skriva så mycket som jag vill här på bloggen. Men, passar ändå på att bjussa på gårdagens presentation om Internets historia och framtid. Ett urval av viktiga händelser som kommer påverka hur vi […]
True, true.
If you’re heading a brand. Stop with everything you do. Head over to David Armano’s blog Logic + Emotion, cause the post that follows this illustration above might do a lot of good for your future career.
A beautiful problem dressed in Pantone colors
Rubriks Cube. A classic problem here portraited with pantone colors. Nice. Found at FFFFound.
BSmart creates a nice piece for IKEA
A couple of days ago I spotted this TVC above. It made me happy. Simple & informative yet a fun movie that left a positive feeling right behind my nipples. I instantly started to browse the net to get hold of the movie and blog about it. I was kinda sad when I couldn’t find […]
Pepsi rebranding features dynamic logo
Pepsi has rebranded their classic logo with the help of the Arnell Group. Without commenting anything on the actual design itself I must say I like the touch of incorporating a dynamic element in the logo. As seen on the bottles, the new logo (or at least part of it) features a redesign of the […]
Color is key
I was reading a great post on the 7 ingredients of good corporate design when I found an interesting fact: “research by the Institute for Color Research reveals all human beings make a subconscious judgment about a person, environment, or item within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that between 62% and 90% of that assessment is […]
Barack Obama places advertising in Xbox Live games
I wrote earlier today about Barack Obama and his tounge in cheek digital campaign. Then today I found through Greg Browns blog filtered that ads have started to
A poster that I like
Yahoo Pipes. A great tool. Right now I’m finalising my design RSS feed project where I’m putting more than 80 design blogs into a pipe and then after some filtering I can keep track of all 80. Sweet. Then as I tried it out today, out came a poster from a blog called DesignNotes. I […]
Letar central kontor/butikslokal på ca 35-60kvm
Eftersom jag har en egen liten mediakanal här tänkte jag bara kort berätta att jag söker en egen kontors/butik lokal med fönster mot gatan. Centralt, city, gärna Östermalm. 35-65kvm. Tips mottages tacksamt. Kontakta mig här.
Apple doesn’t even seem hurt by that clean uppercut from Microsoft. But then again, who would have thought that.
So the fight continues. I’ve written about Microsoft getting back on Apple a couple of times before. In my first post on the subject I especially commented on the fact that before Microsoft starts to spread the dollars they should take care of their product. Vista just doesn’t do it. According to Gartner only 6% […]
First came the voice, then came the finger and now comes the voice again
Aha. So you’re still at home crying about that car you drove of the bridge while texting ‘Look, I can drive without holding the steering wheel’. Well, not to worry. Vlingo has got just the thing for you. These guys have launched an application that allows mobile phone users to speak and look-up information such […]
Who do you trust?
Watching the news as I suddenly spotted Abe. I wonder who this other guy was?
Damn we're small
This image was taken by the HiRISE camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. At the time the image was taken, Earth was 142 million kilometers from Mars, giving the HiRISE image a scale of 142 kilometers (88 miles) per pixel, an Earth diameter of about 90 pixels and a moon diameter of 24 pixels. It’s a makes […]
Peter Jaworowski and Fonterutoli makes life easier
Saturday. It’s half past ten and I’m working an idea for one of my new clients. The concept is pretty finished and I have this idea about how the art direction should be. As I browsed my feeds I found Peter Jaworowski from Bialystok, Poland. Peter is this great retouch, illustrator, master ‘photoshopper’. Spot on. […]
The tip that will safe your life…or at least your files
I have spent the last 14 years making sure I don’t loose my files. Work, offers, project plans, cv’s, mails, photos, music etc. Everything that is valuable has a certain place on my computer. Loosing all these things would be a disaster, so I back up, burn DVD’s, hide copies here and there. But the fear […]
Communication is easy. It's the branding that is hard
Right now I’m in the middle of some planning work for a Swedish brand. I’m spending quite a lot of time trying to understand their products, their target group and especially their brand. When I’m working I like to keep a drawing pad close to me so that I can write down and doodle on […]
Damn. I'll be out of money
But it’s worth it. Apple released their new Mac Book Pro and I was seriously thinking about buying a used one until I saw the specs on this beauty. Well at least I can say I really need the extra power, the ‘glassy’ touchpad and the unibody construction — a seamless enclosure carved from a […]
50 movie posters that will bring you back in time
I was 12 years old. My mother and father couldn’t stop me from watching. The birds, a classic Alfred Hitchcock movie that sends chills along my spine. The Smashing Magazine has gathered 50 beautiful movie posters that brings you back in time and on top of that inspires you. Get over there and enjoy
The Tap'd communication package makes you believe (almost)
Tap’d water is this new tapped water on bottle from New York. It’s basically water straight from the tap, poured into a wonderfully designed bottle and sold on the streets in NY. The people behind this product must be marketing geniuses. Read this statement taken from their website: “New Yorkers are known for having great […]
IKEA makes me wanna go to sleep
It’s sunday evening. I wanna sleep. And this nice ad from IKEA Canada finally makes me shut down and get to bed. But before I do I gotta share the piece with you as it proves interactivity is always appreciated even thought it might not be digital. The idea “So comfortable, you’ll need shorter bedtime stories” has […]
Kontaktmannen reflekterar under morgonen över debatten kring övergångsställesfigurens kön som tydligen blossat upp igen. Som vanligt är Kontaktmannen lika obstinat och onyanserad som vanligt. Och det är härligt! Den här bloggen rekommenderas med värme. Men, till saken. Låt oss en gång för alla ta slut på den här diskussionen om ‘Här Går Man’ ska vara […]
Prediction nr 9 from Daytona Sessions 2007 is on it's way
Last year in November at Daytona Sessions I was asked to predict 10 things that would change how we use the Internet in 2012. Number 9 was: Microsoft will compete with Google on it’s home turf – search. As an example I brought forward the idea that the buying of Facebook would lead to a future […]
“advertising is the price companies pay for being unoriginal”
These are the words of Industrial designer Yves Behar, founder of Fuseprojects while talking at TED. Among other things Yves has designed the OLPC. (One laptop per child project). So, is this true? Well, I don’t entirely agree. But I do think that promoting a product that doesn’t live up to the standards of […]
The worlds best independent music service is launched and it's Swedish
Today Swedish start-up Spotify has launched their music service that has been in Beta for quite a long time. In the morning they were spreading the news that they had signed groundbreaking licensing deals with companies including Universal Music Group, Sony BMG, EMI Music, Warner Music Group, Merlin, The Orchard and Bonnier Amigo. Spotify is by far the best […]
Art Lebedev Studio innovates
Fuck the rain. A creation by Artemy Lebedev founder of the design agency Art Lebedev Studio. I first noticed these guys back in 2004 when I used the Ardeæ folding chairs, one of Arts own creations, as a mood image for a BRIO pitch. I found myself loving the broad variety of projects found […]
I’m 100% digital. Notes however, stay 50% analog
Until now I’ve been a fan of the Moleskine notebooks. However, this Action Book from Behance Outfitters made me click buy now. Now I can’t wait to get 10 of these in my snail mail box. The Action Book is part of a concept called Action Method. The pages are made of 80lb Premium Blend […]
Blog of Ronnestam on iPhone
If you got an iPhone. If you every now and then visit Then you’re in for a new experience optimized for your phone. Thanks to the excellent plugin WPTouch I’ve made sure the site loads faster, is easier to use and renders better on iPhone. Now you know.
It's not only a Whale. It's the Right Whale.
Nature. What a thing huh. Found this wonderful image of The Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) curiosly swimming around Brian Skerry armed with his camera. And yes. The name of the Whale is actually The Right Whale. National Geographic got the full story. When it comes to whales, the usual photo is a tail whipping through the […]
2009 The year of the positive communication
Following my earlier post today I just gotta tell you about a gut feeling I have. It’s about positivism, happiness, being nice to one another, spreading the love. For a couple of years now newspaper have reported more and more on peoples misery. TV channels has been all about putting 4 people on the […]
UPS trampar i klaveret och visar hur man INTE beter sig när man bygger varumärken.
Budfirman UPS har dragits in i en löjeväckande konflikt med Dan Nilsson, bloggare och entrepenör. Det hela började när Dan tyckte att han blev smått misshandlad i samband med att han skulle ta emot en importförsändelse. Det här beskrev han på ett intressant, dynamiskt och provocerande
Busy day for me, busy day for Google
Earlier today, Google together with T-mobile and HTC introduced the first mobile phone running Android. The press conference took place in New York. To be honest they didn’t really surprise that much since Google has already released a lot of news on the Android. The phone from HTC was a quite ugly piece, but I […]
Blitzkrieg has started
It turns out there’s a plan behind everything. Microsoft launched part two of their Blitzkrieg against Apple. The strategy behind this one is obvious. Apples turned Microsoft into a boring nerd with their Apple vs PC commercials. Microsoft now puts a face on those nerds. Classic strategy. Choose an enemy. Become David and challenge Goliath. […]
Foreign – The End. Ronnestam – The Beginning.
Nature is fantastic. When an apple fall dead to the ground, it’s the start of something new. In april 2002 I founded Foreign together with Viktoria Wallner. Today, I took the decision to close the company down. Did I have a choice? NO. Saving Foreign, that might have worked out. Saving myself, no. For the […]
Microsoft drops Jerry and Bill and strikes back at the Apple.
According to several blogs, blogs, blogs Microsoft is shutting the Bill Gates & Jerry Seinfeild down before we even got to like the guys. I’ve been writing about this campaign before. This latest campaign from the gigantic PC dragon was heading in one direction now they’re turning in another. New York Times reports Microsoft has […]
Agent Provocateur knows how to tease
Let me make this clear from the beginning. It’s not the product that made me write about the shopping experience. But, I’ll admit that I found the shopping experience because of the product. I’m a fan of usability. What doesn’t work…doesn’t work. However, I’m also a fan of dramatization and communication. This site by Agent […]
The please post
I am working on a pitch where I’m putting together a summary of the brands I’ve worked with. adidas, Nike, Omega, IKEA, H&M, Kosta Boda, Ladbrokes, Com Hem, Beckers, Suunto, BMW Motorad, Betway, Vattenfall, Expressen, Nokia, MTV, ICA, Bredbandsbolaget, Yamaha, Intersport, Stadium, ETrade, Scandinavian Online, Kanal 5, SIF… And suddenly it hits me. I love […]
Ever wondered why you drink?
Look no further. Here’s a nice little flick found on Swissmiss that explains why we drink in quite a creative and illustratious way. I especially like the combination of the boring voice, jumps in thought and the wrap up. The video itself also brought Current to my attention. A kind of Digg clone. Looks promising. […]
Microsoft’s new advertising might very well be the most interesting case to follow ever
Microsoft has released their second episode of Jerry Seinfield & Bill Gates. It’s a 4.32 minute long episode where Jerry & Bill spend time with a ‘real’ family. The whole thing is very interesting as it’s the most profitable company in the world that is releasing a whole new tone of voice. They will spend […]
Pixel art has become a vintage technology
There was a time when I hated pixel art. It was around 2000 when there wasn’t any need for creating websites with pixel graphics. It mostly felt stupid and took for ages to create something that looked stunning. Some years later adidas used the pixel art above created by Eboy (the Yoda of Pixel art) […]
'Actroids' are here and they're scary
About a month ago I wrote a post on Actroids and how they will be the tool of future art directors. Then today I found this YouTube video showcasing Emily that explains to us what Image Metrics is. The thing is, Emily isn’t really a real woman, she’s a 3D generated actor – an Actroid. […]
Spore for iPhone available now and it's the shit
While browsing the app store today I suddenly noticed that Spore was out. Spore is this new game by the inventor of Sim City and The Sims, the most sold games in the world. It was also one of the games Apple showcased when they released the iPhone 3G. So, once I touched that screen […]
It's all about a warm feeling
TBWA New York has created some wonderful TVC’s for Skittles. Last year, the Skittles Leak commercial above first caught my eye. I doesn’t really do anything else but leave a constant 2° raised body temperature. It makes me warm. When visiting Adhunt today, I found another one where this guy milks himself with a milk […]
Web 2.0 for your business
In a week or two I’ll post a series of tips for entrepenurs on how you can keep your costs low with the help of Web 2.0 services. However, until then you should make sure to read a post over at ReadWriteWeb on the same subject. Great read.
A nice piece form DDB
[singlepic=15,320] S potted this ad on Adsoftheworld. Liked the simplicity of it. A nice little storyteller. There’s been a lot of buzz in Sweden about DDB but personally I haven’t really understood why. But when I spotted this one it makes more sense. Among others, Art Directors Viktor Arve, Ted Harry Mellström, Simon Higby and another […]
Microsoft pairs Bill Gates & Jerry Seinfeld in their latest TVC
It appears that Microsoft has finally gotten tired of Apple’s Mac & PC TVC cause this little piece must have cost a fortune. Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld seems like the perfect match to actually give Apple a good fight. However, I’m sorry to say this new TVC doesn’t deliver. It even makes Microsoft appear more […]
Let me introduce OwaikeO
T his is starting to become a habit. Every now and then I find an artist, designer, photographer etc that just blows me away. I crave for a project that gives me the opportunity to call these guys up and work with them. OwaikeO is such a guy. His real name is Ahmed Al-Refaie, he’s 21 […]
Hand drawn qoutes
Quite silly, but a good way to remember nice quotes. “Creativity is the opposite of routine” – Unknown.
The new Blossa Glögg bottle
I liked the first five years better. But here it is. The 2008 Blueberry Glögg from Blossa by BVD.
Google Chrome, a new open source browser will be announced later this week
So, the next cool thing from Google is coming our way. Last week, rumors started to spread that something is up over at Google. A new cool thing is coming our way, but what? My brain went wild. What can they possible launch now that they haven’t launched yet. A new OS? IPTV, Google Finances […]
Steve Jobs – a natural born marketing man
Wise word from Steve Jobs as he held his speech to the employees at Apple when returning to the company 1997. Thanks Alexander for the tip.
After all, we're only dogs.
It’s friday afternoon and I just gotta get this out of my head. Have you ever wondered why you enjoy having a cup of coffee? Don’t know about you, but many times a day I just feel I gotta get a cup of coffee. The same feeling occurs on a thursday and friday afternoon, but […]
Playground for font lovers
FontStruct is the ultimate playground if you wanna get into creating your own fonts. Online and all! Go.
Sorry Mr Phelps
I was reading Mashable about Michael Phelps having one million Facebook fans dressed up with a Sports Illustrated cover with the 8 gold medalist on it. I’m really sorry for my blunt humor. But I could not resist retouching Mr Phelps a little bit. A psychologist would probably say I was stressed due to the fact that Sweden has totally […]
The Pyramid of (SEO) Success
My scotch whisky blog keeps on jumping back and forth from page 2 to page 9 on the global search engine when you search for ‘whisky’ and it makes me go mad. I’ve tried every trick in the (SEO) book to keep it steady on that second page since that drives about 1-2000 unique […]
Olympiska Spelen i Peking har förändrat Svenska folkets internetbeteende
Igår hände något som var avgörande för hur vi i Sverige använder Internet i framtiden. Susanna Kallur startade på 110m häck…och föll. Nu var det inte själva loppet i sig som var förändringen jag talar om, utan istället det faktum att’s liveström gick omkull på grund av den stora trafiktillströmningen. Innan det här hände […]
- is getting all dressed up
Right now we’re rebuilding, the website of the digital communication company that I was a part in founding more than 6 years ago. While it’s down we’ve placed all our work on Flickr. Thought it was a nice opportunity to send my blogreaders that way too. So, head over there to see a selection of what I’ve worked with […]
'Actroids' will be the puppets of future art directors
I know. This girl isn’t really competing with real actresses…yet. But in 10-15 years time, powerful computers, 3D software as easy as textpad and downloadable models with different voices to go will become the must have tools for every Art Director out there who is looking to fulfil his/her new idea for a TV commercial. […]
Scott Goodson's tip on how to select an advertising agency
Scott Goodson, founder of Strawberry Frog posted a little piece on how marketeers should do when they are about to select a new advertising agency. “Better agencies are not suppliers, they are more akin to business consultants and, as such, partners for your business. I stress partnership because the better communications firms are focused more […]
Halo-inspired Toyota commercial for Prius
Well, that’s another way of creating a TV commercial for a hybrid drive car. It sure got my attention. By AB5TRAX
Should your creative idea be executed or not?
Ms Swissmiss found a pretty good answer to that question on Frank Chimero’s, designer, illustrator and tinkerer from Missouri, USA, website.
Re-Create Classic Photos using Lego
It’s Saturday and I’m in front of the computer, working and watching Tennis on SVT Live Play. On top of that I’m reading some blogs in my Netvibes account. Found a nice little article on Wired that is worth taking a look at.
Tap into my brain
That’s me…focused. Since about a month back, Europe’s leading speakers network – Talarforum – has taken me on as one of their speakers. I look forward to my first booking. Read more on their website (it doesn’t say I do speeches in both Swedish or English, but I do.)
Happy birthday Linn!
Today my youngest daughter Linn is turning 1 year old. Horray, Horray, Horray, Horray!
Oh, so you are looking for…
…anything that has something to do with web development? Look no further. Agencytool has created the definitive resource list for designing, developing, marketing & maintaining websites. The dashboard is not a 100% resource but it’s damn close. At least if people continue to suggest what’s missing it will be great. It’s definitely listed in my […]
Passing along the torch
Per Robert Öhlin – Mine Goes to Eleven was sent on a mission by Judith – En timme om dagen. And now I feel obligated to pass along the torch. The mission is basic and simple. I was picked as one of Per’s favorite blogs. And therefore I should tell the world about my 7 […]
How to innovate a album cover using typography
That’s exactly what Funki Porcini’s has done when they have designed the cover for their new album Fast Asleep ILoveTypography served and I recieved.
The 10 commandments of webdesign
Business Week posted a great article on the 10 commandments of webdesign. The list is short but well thought thru. Thou shalt not abuse Flash. Thou shalt not hide content. Thou shalt not clutter. Thou shalt not overuse glassy reflections. Thou shalt not name your Web 2.0 company with an unnecessary surplus or dearth of […]
Third Life…eh I mean Lively…by Google
Lively is this new place where you can create your own avatar and pretty much do what you do in Second Life. What’s different is that you can watch YouTube clips on virtual TVs and share your own photos. Another different is that you join different rooms rather than one world. This means people (or brands) […]
8,002,530 downloads when Firefox sets a new Guinness World Record
It’s a quite impressive number. 8,002,530 people all over the world helped Mozilla in setting the Guinness World Record that they officially achieved the record for the “largest number of software downloads in 24 hours”. Firefox now has over 180 million users in more than 230 countries! Congratulations from one of your users. (PR tip – of course, when they make an […]
A comment on Nokia buying Symbian
Read on Last100 that Nokia announced that they will buy Symbian. That’s all I have to say about that.
So what is this Midsummer thing
Today it’s Midsummer evé in Sweden. This means all Swedes go to the country side, collect flowers all day and drink all night. To round it up we all end up in the grass with someone and make love until the morning comes. Eh, or as Wikipedia explains it: Midsummer may simply refer to the period […]
Everything communicates
We talk a lot about how logotypes, advertising, products, packaging, tone of voice, TV commercials, websites etc etc etc communicates the brand. But usually, the more business-oriented the purpose, the stiffer the creative executions. That’s why I just love to see infographics like these. How would the infographics look in your annual report next time if you were […]
BMW innovates
Nothing impresses me like a company that has found out exactly what they should do to build their brand and then sticks to the formula. I don’t drive a BMW but I must say these guys from Germany are not far from making me into a customer. Their brand has been closely connected with innovation […]
Twingly turns server problems into branding
I pointed my browser towards Twingly when I landed on an Error 500: Internal server error page. Once there I was greeted by this beautiful error message. It’s funny how a little bit of humor makes you wanna come back…even though the service actually didn’t work. This is something many of the old companies definitely can learn from. ps. […]
…and here is the Apple iPhone 3G commercial
As fresh as it comes. Apple already published lot’s of info on the iPhone 3G.
The new iPhone 3G
I’m listening (reading) in on the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference 2008 Keynote Live Coverage over at Macrumours. Lot’s of goodies of course. But the news about the iPhone is stunning. 3G and GPS! among other things… Head over there and enjoy! Head over to Apple’s site on iPhone instead.
Rest in peace Yves
One of the worlds greatest fashion icons Yves Saint Laurent died this Sunday in Paris at 71. Yves dominated much of 20th century fashion along with his contemporaries Coco Chanel and Christian Dior. Rest in peace YSL, 1936-2008.
Let me introduce Vladimir Gvozdev and BibliOdyssey
Sometimes you just end up spending time on a site much like when you enter a library. You feel good, spend quite some time eyeing the shelfs for something good to read. Visiting BibliOdyssey makes me feel just like that. Today I spent about 25 minutes just eye gazing the beautiful “historical” illustrations on the […]
First shock absorber on Mars?
In case you missed it there is now a lander called Phoenix on Mars. The thing landed 17:07 local time on Mars (what the hell that now is). This view of one of the footpads of NASA’s three-legged Phoenix Mars Lander shows a solid surface at the spacecraft’s landing site. As the legs touched down on […]
iPhone Earth
Met a guy today that said: “iPhone is kind of overrated, it’s just like another mobile but not as good” What he and a lot of other people don´t understand that it’s not about the phone, it’s about the open platform, the touchscreen and motion sensor. This is a cool example of both of them. […]
Twingly creates screensaver to visualise their "power"
I visited Twingly today to see the rating of my Whiskyblog when I noticed this little screensaver. Unfortunately it’s only available for PC users. But it seems like a pretty cool thing. The Twingly screensaver is visualizing the global blog activity in real time. With Twingly screensaver you get a 24/7 stream of all (viewer […]
Microsoft is adding a 6th gear to Live search
Caught this post the other day on Techcrunch about Microsoft’s new way of attracting search traffic. What’s impressing is that this new Live Search Cashback is both a way to attract new people to Live Search and a challenger to Pricerunner, Kelkoo, Compricer and other price comparison services. Yesterday Techcrunch followed up on it’s […]
Shopping experience of tomorrow
Quick note from London. As always I’m on the look-out for new gadgets. This time it led me to the Apple concept store on regent street. And as expected I didn’t find anything new since Apple seldom surprise you instore. The new things turn up online first. But what did make me go wow was […]
Adolf Hitler and his evil eyes
I ran into the image to the left of Adolf Hitler when I suddenly noticed that if you turn his eyes up side down he looks like the devil himself. Said and done. Now his looks fits his personality.
My presentation in Livigno
A couple of weeks back I was invited to give a speech at the European Snowboard Industry Forum in Livigno. Back in the end of the 80´s and beginning of the 90´s I was a member of the Swedish National Team in snowboarding. In these days snowboarding was still a underground thing that gathered a […]
A short list that makes you think: How do I consume things
One of my daily reads – the David Report Blog posted a short one on a new book called The Marketer Who Went Off Consumption by Gaurav Mishra. One of two cool things with the book is that it is a year-long blog-as-a-book experiment in why we choose to consume. Basically Guarav decided to go ‘off consumption’ for a year and […]
I don't speak Japanese, but I do speak innovation
Don’t know what I was looking for when I bounced into a page about customized scooters. Check them out at Pinc Tentacle.
Flash 10 on it's way
Adobe announced today that Flash 10 is on it’s way and a first beta is available of their site. The new version of the more than 10 year old animation and rich media plugin will create new possibilities for both designers and coders. From a first glance this morning the things that impresses me is […]
Changed theme
In pursuit of easier readability, visibility of links I’ve tweaked a theme called Prisa 2. Hope it makes it easier to read my blog. Good night.
Question: Does Lorum Ipsum exist in China? Yes says Ramon
Today we’re working on a Chinese project at Foreign. And we needed some Lorum Ipsum in Chinese. Ramon, one of our AD was quick on the job. Here it is.
Hitler vs Chaplin
I spent yesterday looking through tons of ads, some good and some bad when I was doing my job in the jury for Guldeken, a local advertising competition in the south of sweden. However, the best print ad wasn’t to be found among the contenders. That one was sitting on the desktop of fellow jury […]
I sure do – and so do you I hope
Andy was a wise man. Got it at FFFound
Hidden message in Ladbrokes TVC
Don’t know if you heard about the hidden message in our new TVC for Ladbrokes. But someone has. Found this on YouTube.
Just when people learned reflection
Great communication is made by people who go their own way. And what’s cool with this latest ad-campaign by Apple for the new iTouch is that they do exactly that. When everyone around the world go crazy for drop-shadows and reflections (much inspired by Apple) these guys led by Steve Jobs turn 180° and introduce […]
Our Ladbrokes TVC woke up the big bad wolf
As I wrote before the weekend, our TVC for Ladbrokes starting running in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The idea is “Svenska spel – engelska odds” and is a direct hit against the main competitor brand that happens to be very generic. Svenska Spel translates = Swedish sport betting, which is more or less exactly what […]
One TVC, One actor, 3 languages. This is our latest work for Ladbrokes
Tomorrow our TVC for Ladbrokes goes live on TV in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The brief was to position Ladbrokes as the main challenger to the monopoly in Sweden. . Two of many cool features. – Ed Stoppard who plays the lead role in the TVC is english and doesn’t speak nor Swedish, Norwegian or […]
Creatives begin by asking questions
After reading a great presentation about improving interface design I ended up on Garrett Dimon’s site – The author. Once there his latest post got me to install a widget for the first time in ages. The widget is called “The Big Questions” and is a great mind opener for everyone who is involved in […]
I'll be in Livigno this weekend
The Source, Europe’s b2b magazine for surf/snow/skate, is organizing the fourth annual snowboard industry forum from the 24-26th of April in Livigno Italy and I’m invited to speak about digital communication. If you would happen to be in the area – let me know and we’ll have chat about this and that.
Wikipedia on Barack Obama is 15,4 meters tall (43602px). Is that a new world record?
I’m working on a presentation about digital marketing and as I’m gathering information on Barack Obama’s great digital campaign activities I stumbled upon the Wikipedia page about Mr Obama. And DAMN, these PR guys of his has done a great job of filling this page with information. I used Paparazzi (note, a little software tip […]
Why open API is better than closed
The other day I was showing a friend one of my latest downloads (ShowCam) on my iPhone when this other guy ‘bursted’ – Hey…I don’t get it, all you iPhone owner talk about downloads and how people can build what ever they want for that phone. Well (now with a broad smile) this Nokia of […]
Old + New = Innovation
I just love it when people grab old ideas and turn them into new. At first glance I thought it was an ad for Fritz Hansen and though WOW. But it’s just (I love it) a great poster by Blue Art Studio for you to hang on your wall. Got it through Notcot.
Har just tittat klart på Nyheterna och fått höra att den 42-åring som varit misstänkt för bortförandet av 10-åriga Engla nu erkänt. 42-åringen har tagit Engla när hon har varit på väg hem på sin cykel och sedan dödat och grävt ner henne på en annan plats. Inga ord räcker till för att beskriva vad […]
Me, Kylie and the rest of the Foreign team made the finals
Hmm. Gotta get my broadband in place at home. My blog is starting to become a mix between no posts at all and self promotion. Anyway. When an award show has got such a nice logo as The One Show does, then I can’t help bragging about Foreign making the finals. I would like to […]
Site of the day on The FWA
Self promotion and a tip in one post. The Apathyparty 08 site we created for Procter & Gamble in US made site of the day on The FWA. If you haven’t heard about The FWA, make sure you check it out. It’s a great resource to get inspiration from some of the worlds best digital […]
Flickr expands into video
Nice and thank you. I will most definetely use it.
Let's start changing the world for the better
In a world of war, violence, rape, isolation and loneliness we need to act. This is my modest contribution on a wednesday evening.
Yahoo provide the Pipes. You provide the idea.
A while back I posted an open question asking for an application that could provide me with mixed RSS feeds. Well, now Yahoo has launched an ultra cool tool called Yahoo Pipes. Pipes is basically a powerful tool that allows you to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from anywhere around the web. What really stands […]
R.I.P Paul Arden
When I’m on the road I always bring my computer bag. And in that computer bag I keep my Mac, a couple of extra screen adaptors, paper and pen, business cards, electrical adaptors for different countries AND the book “It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be” by Paul Arden. […]
The adidas World Cup project
If there is one thing I will always be proud of when it comes to my life as a creative, it’s the fact that I founded an agency, built it and then won the global Football World Cup 06 project for adidas. The solution was a 10 month campaign that took 1.5 years to build […]
Got Mac? Got Webkit?
Ahhhhgrr. To much work to little blogging. But here is a quick tip if you wanna speed up your weekend. (If you’re surfing the net that is) Every heard of Webkit? It’s the platform that Apples Safari browser is built on. The cool thing is that if you go to Webkits webpage you can download […]
The Apathyparty Nonifesto
I wrote a couple of days ago about our latest campaign called Now we’ve got the videos on YouTube, so I thought I’d post it here to.
Our work for IKEA made the New York Festivals finals
Last year we spend quite some time building real living rooms for a digital IKEA campaign called “Good, Better Bestå”. Today we learned that the campaign has made the finals in the New York Festivals. We’re happy @ Foreign.
Typographic interactivity
Tina “Swissmiss” Roth Eisenberg got some great posts in her blog. This video about a book called ABCD by Marion Bataille was no exception. I’m buying it today.
The Apathyparty
This week we launched our latest campaign at Foreign in close cooperation with Strawberry Frog. It’s the first and maybe the last campaign where we don’t give a shit about the result. As a matter of fact, we don’t care at all. Whatever. The brief: Make people understand that their voice matters. Solution: The Apathyparty […]
12 things about iPhone and one about me
I’ll start of with me. I’m off on holiday for a week. So don’t expect any posts the next couple of days. 12 things about iPhone. ReadWriteWeb got a great post on 12 future apps for your iPhone. It’s a great read and certenaly gives you a good idea why iPhone is changing the mobile […]
A Swedish post about Webbstrategidagarna live.
Idag klockan 13:30 kommer jag att tala på Webbstrategidagarna. Om du skulle råka vara där, kom gärna fram och säg hej. Tänkte jag skulle dela med mig av mitt framträdande. Så jag tar och sänder det live här:Sändningen startar idag 13:30. >Nu är det slut< Tekniken verkar fungera. Men går upp och ned eftersom Scandic […]
Wow. Microsoft Exchange Support in iPhone
Apple announched that there will be support for Microsoft Exchange in iPhone anytime soon. Good news for Apple…and Microsoft!
The White Glove Tracking project turns Michael Jackson into a viral
Today I got a link from Ya-sin, leading me to a YouTube movie where Michael Jackson performs Billie Jean…with a HUGE white glove. This is social networking at it’s best. On May 4th, 2007, the White Glove Tracking team asked internet users to help isolate Michael Jackson’s white glove in all 10,060 frames of his […]
Netvibes Ginger launched yesterday
I’m back at work after 4 days of moving into a new house. So this post will be a short one! Yesterday Netvibes (my favorite RSS aggregator) launched their new Ginger platform. The new Ginger platform includes a lot of changes that will make your Netvibes experience better. But the most important and interesting one […]
Hyper Island did a piece on Foreign
The other week, students from Hyper Island came over to do a short video piece on Foreign. The video was to be used on their portfolio site launched today. On the site students present themselves and a selection of the best of breed Swedish digital agencies. Here’s the film.
Chris Anderson – the editor in chief of Wired and author of The Long Tail is about to release a new book in 2009 called FREE. But already now we can all read a 6000 word preview of FREE. Chris is also asking us all to give feedback on the article and even post our […]
Mr Sagmeister innovates the blog format
I posted earlier on Stefan Sagmeisters new book Things I’ve learned in my life so far. Now he has followed up the book with a website/blog where he’s asking everyone to contribute. It’s a smart and innovative way to create an integration with the book idea but also to invite everyone to continue the story. […]
Corporate blogging could be a low-cost, high return marketing tool
More and more companies out there spend more time blogging and less money on traditional advertising. Blogging can potentially be the perfect marketing tool for a small business IF you know how to handle it. MarketingVOX has a post for you people out there who want to know more. The post gives 10 tips. 1. […]
There is 9 182 927 of us
I’m Swedish. And the Swedish population increased during 2007 with 69 670 persons. This means we’re 9 182 927 in total in this little norther country. Quite impressive that this little country can deliver great athletes, musicians, movie-stars, entrepreneurs and so on. Go Swedes go!
The Whopper Freak out is freaked out
A while back I wrote about the Whopper Freak out. A great advertising solution where Burger King killed the Whopper and put peoples reactions on TVC – all to see on their campaign site. However, now about two month later it’s cool to see that the number one listing when you search for Whopper Freakout… […]
Olympic Committee allows blogging from Beijing but…
For the first time ever the International Olympic Committee is allowing athletes and other accredited members of the games to blog live from Beijing. This is good. The question is: What will happen if any of the athletes starts posting things that upsets the Chinese government? Imagine if Asafa Powell decides to start a blog […]
A great post on car logos
So you think you got it covered when you say – “Don’t touch the logo”. Heck the guys over at SAAB obviously forgot that rule. But on the other hand. Rules are meant to be broken! Car fan as I am I’m spending quite some timing reading car blogs. Then in the middle of everything […]
Found on FFFOUND before manipulation
YouTube wishes Happy Valentine with cute logo
This is nice. I visited Google, Apple and other sites that usually do this, but was disappointed to see that YouTube was the only one that kept the loving spirit going. If you have other Valentine logos let me know.
A golden gift for my feed readers
Thanks for tuning in! Don’t forget to spread the word. That would make me and my wife happier…me cause I like blogging…her because she’s pissed of when I’m up at 5:00 in the morning in front of my computer.
Simple but addictive
Every now and then you get a link in your inbox that makes you play around more than usual. A lot of the times the idea is simple yet innovative. This little “Happy New Year” site made by an Agency called Mono is exactly that. Thanks Greg!
Will illwilly win it for Barack?
Don’t know if you have visited the campaign site for Barack Obama? It’s an impressive showdown in distributed social advertising. The site, designed in a typical Web 2.0 style features tons of information on how to get involved in the campaign for Barack Obama as the next president of the USA. Among other things there’s […]
Polaroid is eh…back
This is soo fun. Polaroid were getting a lot of attention at the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show for their latest mobile printer. This little thing fits into your pocket. So when you’re on the road and you’re snapping a great shot, get your mobile polaroid and print on demand. Well, before you know it, […]
For you 'researchers' out there
From today I’ll start posting qoutes every now and then that motivates me in one way or another. I start of with this one that I found while reading the book Life’s a Pitch. It’s bang on target!
Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far
Not me! That’s the title of Stefan Sagmeister’s new book. And judging by Stefan’s list of 20 maxims we should all have something to learn from his life. Taken from Creative Review “The book is based on a list of maxims made by the graphic designer on his “experimental year” in 2000, where he took […]
It did.
Found on FFFound
Yahoo Live is…eh live.
Since a couple of days ago Yahoo Live is Live. This new site allows anyone with a webcam to stream live video of themselves to a dedicated site. All their technology isn’t in place obviously Of course live streaming has been available before, but the fact that you don’t have to pay shitloads of money […]
He's hot that Banksy! But how Internet makes this art accessible to all of us is even hotter!
You all have heard of Banksy I’m sure. The other day I found some movies of him(them?) making art in Palestine. This is so cool. Imagine how hard it would be for a commercial TV station to get hold of Banksy and get him in front of camera. And how hard wouldn’t it be for […]
Could Nokia become Yokia?
That’s a very interesting thought put forward by Stephen Wellman at Information Week. What Stephen is saying is that Nokia should get into the Yahoo bidding game. ReadWriteWeb made me read the post. Now I hope you do the same.
A good selection of the best Super Bowl 2008 ads
Super Bowl is one of the greatest TV events of the year and this makes it the “oh how I wanna put my TVC on Super Bowl” shit for brand directors. However, the TVC’s that actually get on there is a selection of the greatest and the worst since money rules, not quality. Tom Cole […]
Social buttons and blog this functionality in our latest campaign for adidas by Stella
Today we (Foreign) launched our second campaign for adidas by Stella Mc Cartney This campaign, just like the one we launched last year, is global campaign site translated into 18 languages. We’ve created an integrated flash site that is closely tied to the offline POS photography and approved by Stella McCartney herself. This year however, […]
Denmark (it's a country) is shutting Pirate Bay down – is this a start of a new era?
Tele 2 in Denmark has been ordered by a Danish court to shut down the access to Pirate Bay today. This is not the first time Denmark blocks a site. They did it last year when they shut down Allofmp3. However, the fact that they are continuing to do this shows that it’s now starting […]
Prediction nr 9, one step closer when Microsoft pulls out the big cash
Yesterdays bid on Yahoo by Microsoft is absolutely a step in the right direction. It’s also a confirmation of my prediction nr 9 in the presentation I held at Daytona Sessions in the end of 2007. What’s the next step? Hell, I don’t know. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the old Microsoft logo ends […]
Tooble is cool
Sometimes you see things you just have to share but you don’t have time to write something intelligent. Tooble is one of those things. Then you go to the ‘About’ section and copy/past. Said and done: Tooble is a brand new program designed to bring the of content on YouTube straight to your iPod. In […]
Mediascope Europe and Online Shoppers reports from EIAA
I’m in Spårvagnshallarna on a MSN Innovate semiar i Stockholm, Sweden. There’s this woman presenting two interesting reports. The first one called Mediascope Europe and the second one Online Shoppers 2008. Some Key Findings from Mediascope Europe: 169 million people now online across 10 European markets 16-24 year olds now go online more frequently than […]
What will the future look like? (Or at least 2008 when it comes to digital communication)
Well. I’m not sure I have the answer even though I tried to answer the question a couple of weeks ago. Others have too, and I’ve especially think two of them are closer than others. So if you wanna get some insights on what’s behind the horizon you should visit these guys and read it. […]
It's 28 years ago but he still makes me smile.
I just happened to see one today when I was surfing the web. And I got all warmer. He’s timeless!
It's time to apply for Konstfack 2008
Konstfack is the Swedish university collage of arts, crafts and design. It dates back to 1818. And to get more students to apply in 2008, a movie has been created to draw attention to the school. The movie is directed by RGB6 in Sweden. It seems they’ve used a high speed camera to make it. […]
A gothic and strange explanation of the Idea process in Swedish
Sometimes when you’re about to go to sleep you come up with more or less intelligent ideas. Yesterday was one of those days. I started to write on a Swedish text about developing ideas. However, the text came to life and the end result wasn’t really what I expected. But it’s kind of quirky and […]
Fifa World Cup 2006 sites for adidas
Finally more than a year after launch I’ve uploaded a summary of the sites we produced at Foreign for adidas during the World Cup 2006 in Germany. We launched the first site in october 2006 and the last site (not featured in this movie) in July 2006. All in all we launched 29 different sites […]
Handmade 'litterary' animation by Japanese students
This is nice. Or at least could be in an ad. I’ve seen quite many of these the last couple of months so I’ll expect something like this in a Swedish TVC anytime soon (Swedish TVC’s pick up trends fast)
Face recognition over at
Few things makes me act on Facebook. I’m sort of tired of all these applications. However I spotted that some of my friends had performed face recognition on That made me curious. I was positively surprised. Not about who I resembled but how the application worked. Give it a try and create your own […]
The Crunchies Award winners announced
The 2007 Crunchies is a competition and award ceremony to recognize and celebrate the most compelling startups, internet and technology innovations of the year. The final results was posted on ReadWriteWeb minutes ago. This is the list to read if you wanna have a clue what’s the future online.
It's Friday and I've popped a bottle of Old Rowley from The Islanders Estate
Not everything is about communication. Wine is important to. Good wine even more so. So, I’m at home making meatballs with pasta for my youngest daughter Ebba and I’ve popped a bottle of Red Wine that I bought of a wine club online. And what a wine. The smell, the taste and the pure look […]
Isn't this a cool girl
We were looking for cool things on YouTube the other day in the agency. This movie with a puppet girl in oversized format controlled by a large group of people turned up. It’s beautiful and innovative.
A bike for the guys at Davos to consider
This is genius. It’s a bike called the Aquaduct and it’s a pedal powered vehicle that transports, filters, and stores water for the developing world. The Aquaduct was the winning entry in the Innovate or Die contest put on by Google and Specialized. The contest challenge was to build a pedal powered machine that has […]
An insight into the conceptual work behind the Beijing 2008 Olympics logo
Everything you create starts with an inspiration from an earlier event in your life. You might have seen something, heard something or experienced something. Now we know what the inspiration behind the logo for the 2008 Olympics was. Thanks AdArena for sharing this with us!
Look what happens when Range Rover understands the benefits of an open iPhone OS
This is fantastic. Range Rover has taken on Apples challenge to develop new application for the iPhone. They’ve simply made it the command center of their future cars. This is mobile 3.0. Sony, Nokia, Motorola and other traditional (feels great to write that) mobile manufacturers. Watch out…or watch this. This one first turned up at […]
The art of signing people up
Tim Bednar at Turtle Interactive has written one of the most valuable posts/articles I’ve ever seen about signing people up. Tim has reviewed the sign up design and functionality of Freshbooks, Backpack, Dropsend, Vyew, Blinksale, Remember the Milk, Scrapblog, Crazy Egg, 30boxes, Blogger,, Flock, Give Meaning, Kiko, My Pick List, Titlez, CRM from Zoho, […]
Apple air isn't the biggest news
This may be the most worthless reporting on the Apple Air released today. Noticed that they’ve started to use a thin font for the first time 🙂 Ahhh…I know. I couldn’t resist.
Of course I want a thinner one
When, when can I get it…
A great SEO source
Search engine marketing is the shit if you wanna make sure your site/product/service is found on Google and other search engines. Aaron Wall, a SEO consultant has written this PDF book that you can buy of his site for 75$. While big companies happily pay him $500 hourly fees to solve their search engine ranking […]
HP, Wetpaint and Jake Burton made me contribute
It’s funny what makes you tick. I was reading this post on ReadWriteWeb today when this banner caught my eye. Initially it caught my eye cause I wanted to find out what HP was doing. It turned out they was using the Wetpaint wiki tool for a campaign targeted towards smaller and medium sized companies. […]
Varsågod. Here are my Netvibes feeds
I read somewhere that ‘sharing is caring’. So, I thought why not start 2008 with a gift to the readers of my blog. I’m using Netvibes as my startpage to keep track of things I’m interested in. My life wouldn’t work without my feeds. Thanks ALL of you that spend your time writing the things […]
Lego ad that makes you wanna play
This is simplicity at it’s best. Jung von Matt in Germany shows how much you can do with very little. My only concern would be that this actually makes +30 year old kids wanna buy lego rather than 10 year old ones. However…the 30 year olds are the ones that pay 🙂 Source:
7 rules of design
Daniel, one of our Art Directors at Foreign provided me with this simple, yet genious set of rules to follow when creating great design. Something he got from his teacher at Art School. Hope it comes in handy.
Timeless industrial design
When I was younger I used to race the bike. At the time I didn’t really know why…but now I do. Wonderful products huh! Source: FFFound
Kosta Boda is ‘In love with art glass'
Ah, I know. Some of you think we only do digital over at Foreign. Here’s a little something to prove different. Kosta Boda, one of the leading and oldest glasshouses in the world asked us to develop an idea for print placements in glossy magazines and larger outdoor billboards to follow up last years success. […]
A WWF billboard I wish I did
Isn’t this a beauty from WWF? Wouldn’t work in Sweden though…we’re covered in darkness and misty clouds.
Bill Gates leaving Microsoft (for the last time?)
Found this video over at Henriks blog of Bill Gates leaving Microsoft.
Google celebrates the 25th birthday of Internet
On January 1, it was exactly 25 years since the precursor to the internet, ARPANET, switched over to TCP/IP. Pingdom brought to my attention that Google celebrated by changing their logo. The cablers in the logo read “2008”. But added to that they’ve placed a almost not visible easter egg. It reads SYN SYN/ ACK […]
The World Economic Forum in Davos goes web 2.0, or at least web 1.5
As you probably know every year, the world’s top leaders from politics, business and the global community attend the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss how to make the world a better place. The forum starts the 23rd of January. This year however, everyone can join the conversation. The […]
This is a nice animated Video
Too tired to write something. So press play and enjoy 🙂 Found it at Pink Tentacle
Wink at new competitor to Spock
I’m up early watching BBC Click. A TV show about digital stuff. Not that great, but their Internet tips are usually ok. Today made me spend some time online the first day of the year. This morning they sent me of to Wink is this people search engine that makes it easy to […]
Last tip of 2007
Looking forward to another year filled with tips, links, ideas, images, new stuff and new friends. Happy New Year!
Netscape – Rest in peace
Yesterday Netscape announced on their blog: End of Support for Netscape web browsers The fact that Netscape end their support for their web browsers marks the end of an era. My first browser was the Mosaic. Back in 93´there weren’t that many to choose from. But in 94′ Netscape 1.0 was launched and shortly after […]
Fake Steve plays tricks with Apple
Have you heard about Fake Steve? If not, Fake Steve is this guys who runs a blog where he’s impersonating Steve Jobs. And lately it seems that he has pissed Apple off. Fake Steve is funny, but what’s even more funny, or interesting is the word, is how you all over the web can see […]
Best of Copyblogger 2007
Lists, lists, lists, lists and more lists. But here’s another great one if you’re into writing copy. Copybloggers 2007 look back. Enjoy
Looking to start up a Start-up. Then look no further
Here are the 36 hottest tips I’ve seen online. It’s ReadWriteWeb (lot of ReadWriteWeb right now, but they’re on fire) that has gathered a collection of startup tips covering software engineering, infrastructure, PR, conferences, legal and finance. They describe best practices for an early-stage startup. Head over there and then get going!
My predictions for 2008
ReadWriteWeb wrote an interesting post about their 2008 web predictions and urged others to do the same. So, here I go. I could write about 40…but I’ll keep it short…and the order of the predictions does not have any importance for when and if they will occur 1. CSS replaces Flash in online campaign sites […]
The 10 top web apps of 2007
ReadWriteWeb has listed the top 10 web apps of 2007. This is a must read.
Merry Christmas
A very merry christmas to you all. I’ll be back before New Year’s with a review of my own 2007.
Do not read while driving…
On my way home in a cab the other day the GPS in the cab suddenly popped this message above while we were driving. “Attention – Only use this interface when the car is standing still. It is important that you keep your eyes on the road when you are driving! Since the trafic situation […]
The pacemaker launch is coming closer
I’m soo much looking forward to the launch of the Pacemaker in February. Pacemaker is this revolutionizing portable DJ system packed with all the professional audio manipulation features you need to DJ where ever you go. What’s stunning with it is that it’s not only a DJ system. It’s a truly innovative gadget in terms […]
The ultimate Christmas gift guide
Notcot has been posting gift guides for a couple of weeks now and since Notcot is the shit, their gift guides obviously rock. Now, I’m very pleased to pass the word that they’ve collected all 31 guides on one page. It’s a slow-loader but it’s worth it. 3 days left. GO SHOPPING!
Identify yourselves
Cool thoughts on new typeface by Jonathan Looman Found this one at Ytlig
Pantone selects color of the year for 2008
Wondering what clothes to wear, what car to buy, diamonds or gold? As long as there’s some Blue Iris in it you’ll be home safe. Pantone has been the world’s color authority for more than 45 years. And every year they forecast which color will be the ONE color for designers the year that comes. […]
1 point
Foreign’s neighbors and my friends Daytona listed their 64 favorite blogs If you want to keep track on digital communication the list includes some of the best blogs there are out there. My very own blog was awarded 1 points. I’ll do my best to get more next year 🙂
Ipod earrings
Yesterday we had our annual Christmas party at Foreign. Ulrika, one of our AD’s was smartly dressed with earrings to match. Ipod Shuffle clipped on to her ears. Fantastic usage.
A new perspective
Found this wonderful photo over at FFFFound. Must have been waiting for a while.
Where to go in 2008 if you wanna keep up with the one's & zero's
Joakim Jardenberg over at Mindpark has summoned a great list over the important events in 2008 if you’re into digital communication and Internet. Head over there and make sure to ad the ones you lack to the comments. (It’s in Swedish)
Creative Japanese TV Shows – Here's human tetris
Japanese people seem to have a very special sense of humor…and creativity. This human version of Tetris is just great.
This is experimental BUT great advertising
Got this one from the Fallon Planning blog. And it’s so grabbing that I found myself watching the full 7 minutes. Brief Create an online viral video that shows peoples love for the Burger King Whopper. Problem We cannot tell people what a great product The whopper is, we have to get our customers to […]
Hans Lindström portraits the ICA scandal
In Sweden, the leading food-chain ICA has been caught with their pants down while repackaging old meat and selling it to consumers. Swedish Illustrator Hans Lindström throws some gas on the fire. And I’m glad stand by and watch it burn.
How to convince someone that Internet has and will continue to change our lives
I still meet people every now and then who are skeptical towards the Internet and what impact it has had and will have on our future. Being a true internet evangelist I off course try to save them and turn them into believers. But as I bring my arguments forward people start to think I’m […]
List bonanza – 52 Creative Ideas for Finding New Clients
December is obviously the month of lists. They keep coming in from everywhere. This morning I got a mail to my Whiskyblog. The tip was regarding “50 Drinks Perfect For Every Conceivable Situation”. However as I browsed through their site I found an even more interesting list called “52 Creative Ideas for Finding New Clients” […]
How to innovate a champagne cellar
I like wine. I like whisky. I like champagne. Now I’m in love with storage of the liquids as well. Found this wonderful new champagne “cellar” over at Goldarths, one of my favorite luxury blogs. It’s made by Veuve Clicquot and is called Vertical Limit. It is a champagne cellar designed by Porsche Design Studio. […]
The year is coming to an end, and here comes another list. Top 10 blogs for writers
It’s the blog Writing for White Papers that has put together a list with the Top 10 blogs for writers. The nominees have been carefully examined, with the greatest weight on the quality of their content. What follows are the top 10 blogs for writers. The winner blogs all provide rich content and extremely useful […]
Top 5 viral advertising videos on Youtube in 2007
Financial Times reports on the advertisements that were most successful in attracting online viewers, as ranked by GoViral, the online marketing agency Here we go: 1. Cadbury – Gorilla Drummer – Launch online: August 2007 – Views on Youtube: 5m + lots of other user generated versions 2. Smirnoff – Green Tea Partay Views on […]
We got Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet covered
This morning we launched our (Foreign’s) latest campaign for Com Hem, one of swedens leading telecom companies. The campaign has been building for a couple of weeks with teasers towards todays Lucia campaign. On, Swedens most visited newspaper, visitors will enjoy a Lucia celebration and then the possibility to forward this to friends via […]
Swedish mobile operator Telenor is offering some scary shit
It opens “At last. Now everyone that signs up for the Child subscription and Telenor Free Family can always see where your kids are at.” Ohh, glad I’m not a kid. Shit, this scares the hell out of me. Well you say…it’s not that bad. Not yet I say. In a year or two we’ll […]
Björk – The Innovation Girl
The girl from Island – Björk, obviously has the right touch. Through the years every now end then Björk turns up in new videos and movies. Although you might think this and that about her music you must agree that she is always ahead of the crowd when it comes to creativity and innovation. Here […]
Celebrate St Lucia tomorrow…on Aftonbladet
Tomorrow morning Aftonbladet will introduce a brand new format on the first page. We’ve done some work for Com Hem. And as a result of that Aftonbladet has done some changes to it’s first page. Happy Lucia.
Neil French. A great copywriter….and guide to the world.
Neil French is the shit. He’s definitely one of the great copywriters out there. They way he solves complexed problems is a great source of inspiration for me. Thanks Per for introducing me to him years ago. This post is not about his work though. While browsing through his site this morning I found that […]
Send your doodles online
The Moleskine Project is this artist oriented website made to help both good and ”not so good” artists to promote their work and ideas. The main idea for the project is that everyone has an equal right to participate. No one is more equal than the other. Being artists themselves, the people behind the Moleskine […]
adidas Women – Best in Show at W3 awards.
I’m extra happy today since Foreign got news that we won Best in Show for our work on adidas Women in the category Lifestyle at W3 Awards. Apart from that we also was awarded for the following projects: Adidas Stella McCartney – Fashion Adidas Stella McCartney – Sports Adidas Women – Fashion Adidas women – […]
The success of Virgin obviously not based on luck
Great entrepreneurs have always inspired me. And Richard Branson is definitely on my top 10 list. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when Lars, one of our Art Directors at Foreign, tipped me about this new safety video Virgin America has produced. They’ve teamed up with world class illustrators and created a brand new way of […]
An innovative christmas gift for friends who enjoy wine
Etienne Meneau has designed this beautiful innovative wine decanter. They’re 65 cm high! Fill these with some cool liquid fluids and you’ll have yourselves a nice sculpture. Standing, lying on the side, up side down glued to something. Possibilities are endless. Video Anything to do with communication? Sure do. It’s innovative and innovations spread themselves […]
Mixed RSS feeds anyone?
A cure for my 194 feeds and 32 tabs in Netvibes? One of the things that makes Facebook really good is the way they mix news. Meaning they don’t differentiate between news, people, activites, posts, photos…I can go on for ever. Instead the just list it based on when it happened. This drives traffic since […]
2007 Year in Review over at ReadWriteWeb
Over the next few weeks ReadWriteWeb will summarizing what’s happened in 2007 – and what to look forward to in 2008. They’re starting with the Web Office, a market that underwent a lot of changes this year. This is a series of posts that you should’nt miss. ReadWriteWeb is absolutely one of the top blogs […]
You already know I'm a fan of Idol
But now I’m all confused. Amanda and Marie kicked the shit out of Globen. It’s like choosing between apple and pears. Go girls!
Prisoners rock the pants of Michel Jackson
If you haven’t seen this wonderful movie from the Phillipines. Then do. It will ROCK your pants of. These guys are 1,500 plus CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines at practice! Note that the Video has 9,171,772 viewings! Someone release them NOW!
Future challenges for the Swedish sport Industry
In the November edition of Sportfack, the Swedish trade press for sport companies, I was interviewed on what effect digital communication will have on the industry. Usability, content, range of products, constant change and an understanding of digital communication within the management team was the core message I tried to get across. Download the full […]
Youtube puts Video Holiday Card in place
I was browsing for some movies this morning on Youtube when I noted this button. It takes you to a page where you can create your own Video Holiday Card. Nice touch ….well, that was it. Off you go!
Ship Ohoy, here comes the street brands.
When brands out there stay on firm ground, street and surfing companies takes branding to the high seas. In Amsterdam street G-Star Raw brand has built a boat that travels the canals of the Dutch capital. More on the G-Star Raw ferry on Dezeen My favorite though is Quiksilvers The Crossing. I remember when I […]
Here comes another bubble?
I’ve had this feeling that things are coming to an end…again. What is it based on? Well, first of all. I was playing golf this summer when a friend of mine says “You know what, I attended this golf event and the 18th green was surrounded by champagne tents”. Secondly the Swedish magazine Vi Båtägare […]
Passing your plugins along
Richard Gatarski is generous as always and set an example by publishing the WordPress plugin he is using to make his blog more SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly. It’s the All in One SEO Pack from Überdose. I’ll follow Richard’s example. Here are my other plugins. NextGEN Gallery A NextGENeration Photo gallery Get it here […]
The 2007 Crunchies Awards now open for entry
Do you wanna keep track of the year’s most innovative technical, creative and business accomplishments of key companies, products and people. GigaOm, Read/WriteWeb, VentureBeat and TechCrunch announced yesterday that nominations for the 2007 Crunchies Awards are now open. And since all four of these companies are constantly in the forefront of what’s hot and new, […]
Same same but different as Gabor Palotai and Grey Tel Aviv creates.
Everything has been done. In 2005 Designer Gabor Palotai came up with an awarded poster for the exhibition Estonia at the Sjöhistoriska museum in Sweden. Now, 2 years later Jonathan Stirin and Ben Sever, both employees at Grey Tel Aviv has come up with a set of ads for Greenpeace. The resemblance is striking, but […]
3 minute Ad Age – A podcast worth subscribing to.
A little recommendation for all you people out there who are into finding out more about the advertising business. Subscribe to the 3 minute Ad Age video. Delivered every day to your video podcast player of choice. Always informative almost always worth watching. More info over here.
Research on social networking suggest 4 types of networks
FaberNovel, a french consulting compay has issued a very interesting new Research Paper on best practices from leading social network websites. The study formulates the basic concepts of social networks and also analyses online matchmaking websites and business network websites. It’s well worth a read. | View | Upload your own If you’re looking for […]
Go Create…some food
“Food combines with each other when they have major flavour components in common.” For all you creatives out there who wanna get loose in the kitchen and not follow any recipes. You should pay Foodpairing a visit. The site has what they call a foodpairing tree. You choose one ingredient and then the site maps […]
Working with Colors. Have you found Adobe Kuler?
If not, then it’s about time. All designers are every now and then faced with the challenge to find a color palette. Adobe has created this fantastic tool called Kuler where you can explore, create and share color palettes. And it’s for free. Create your own color themes here.
Get me one of those "clay" printers
This cool video shows how designers at Volkswagen makes ideas come through. It’s the new Tiguan that is coming to life.
Ken Hauser scares the hell out of me
Ken Hauser from Amsterdam has created som killer graphics. This being one of the most provocative ones. Check out more of his work.
What can old established marketing models teach us who work with the advertising and communication of tomorrow.
A possible solution to that question made me go up 02:19 this morning and adapt one of the oldest and most established models to the world of online communication. I’m talking about the classic consumer adoption process that divides the consumer into five groups: Innovators, Early adopters, Early majority, Late majority and Laggards. This old […]
Speed polls on Ask 500 People is a brand new web 2.0 service where people can submit a poll of any choice. The questions are then answered in real time while you are watching on the website. Democracy? Maybe not yet. But future elections will be a lot more exiting if this is how they are handled. It’s well worth […]
I'll break it to you. I'm a fan of IDOL
And at the moment we have a break for TV advertising. Who the hell gives a damn… I thought I should make more use of the 7 minutes time-out. VOTE for Marie Picasso and Amanda Jenssen. Thanks for voting! Looking forward to the final next friday in Stockholm Globen.
I'm a fan of the Flying doggiestyle.
Have you heard about Flying Dog Brewery? No. Well, then it’s about time you do. Flying Dog is this kick ass brewery founded by copywriters, illustrators and advertising professionals. Their attitude is raw, fun and very unique in the business of brewing beer. What Flying dog is doing different is basically just that. They’re doing […]
Blossa Julglögg. It sure looks nice, but what the hell is?
Packaging design like this makes me proud of Swedish traditions. Every year as christmas approaches Swedes drink Julglögg. It is sort of a gathering where you meet up with old friends and eat Lussebullar and drink Julglögg. The Julglögg is a kind of spirit that is filled with sweet stuff. You buy it, warm it […]
H&M Viktor & Rolf Shortlisted in Eurobest
The Viktor & Rolf campaign Foreign produced for H&M is shortlisted in Eurobest. Goodie!
- is live. We're bringing football to China
A couple of weeks ago one of my startup’s, was launched in China. About one and a half year ago, me, Henrik Barck and Claes Bourghardt set out on a mission to bring football to China. Our idea was to gather some of the best teams in the world and build a football portal […]
Wow, let’s interact with Elle MacPhersons intimate underwear
Elle MacPherson made people blush during the New York Fashion Week this year. Behind the solution is a company called Freeset. They have developed a really cool interactive visual system that tracks full body movements in real time. Humanlocator as it is called allows consumers to actively participate in and interact with advertising. At the […]
A story about iPhone, Emergency Healthcare, YouTube, Wireless Internet and my daughter Ebba.
At 00:30 this monday morning me and my girlfriend woke up to the sound of our 3 year old daughter Ebba having a lot of trouble breathing. Only minutes later me and Ebba were driving as fast as I could to the hospital. On my way to the hospital I dialed 112 (911) to get […]
Dieter Rams 10 commandments on good design
Good morning. Before you get into your daily routines. Sit back and relax and read Dieter Rams 10 commandments on good design: 01. Good design is innovative 02. Good design makes a product useful 03. Good design is aesthetic 04. Good design helps a product to be understood 05. Good design is unobtrusive 06. Good […]
My Customized Diesel Fragrance has delivered
A couple of weeks ago I found the site The Diesel Factory. A site where you can customize your perfume. Yes, you heard me right. Diesel has created a site where the visitors can customize the packaging of their latest perfume – Fuel for life. I off course ordered a bottle of mens perfume to […]
Call of Duty 4 reviewed by Putin, Kim Jong II, Ahmadinejad, Castro and Qadaffi
Activision has some brains and balls. In an attempt to spread the word (it’s working) that Call of Duty 4 is now available for XBOX 360, Playstation 3, PC and Nintendo DS a site has been published where the worlds great leaders all have reviewed the game.The site that is called World Leader Reviews has […]
Prediction nr 4 at Daytona Sessions is around the corner
The 1st of november I held a presentation at Daytona Sessions. The subject was “10 predictions about digital communication in 2012” Prediction nr 4 was that in 2012 Internet and the PC has moved into the computer the car. Core 77 had a post last week about mobile computing in the car. And damnit if […]
Improve your Copywriting skills with Copyblogger
If you still haven’t found then now you have. A great blog for people who wan’t to improve their online writing skills.
I wanna go to Canada
A beautiful posters from back then. It makes you wanna go, doesn’t it? Fetched from FFFOUND
Leafs identified with Pantone
Chris Glass did the coolest thing last autumn. He patiently picked one leaf after another from one tree to produce this wonderful set of Pantone colors. [singlepic=6,300,] Chris comments: “I’m obsessing over all the maples that are turning slowly this season-their tops red, fading to green. So much that I felt compelled to collect samples […]
Google SketchUp made us buy a new house
Me and my girlfriend bought a house yesterday in Täby, Sweden. And it was Google SketchUp that forced us. The house looked kind of boring on Hemnet (a site where you browse for objects) but it was in our price range. So, what the heck, we’ll go there and take a look. Once there, the […]
Porsche Cayenne now with Hybrid power…in the US
You won’t see this instrument panel in Europe for quite some time. It’s funny isn’t it. No one has give a sh*#t about the climate “over there” until suddenly the price on gas goes skyrocket. What happens, Porsche Cayenne is launched shortly after as a Hybrid. Can you get it in Europe? Of course not. […]
Chemical Brothers got a grip on digital communication
Chemical Brothers has a new video blurring out there on the World Wide Web. And I think you should see it 🙂 [singlepic=5,150,left] This is the communication of tomorrow. You read this, you look at the video…and the music is spread…not through ads, MTV, print or other sources, but through network of “likealikes”. Then if […]
I like B-Smart people
One of the photographers we work with has a nice way of showing their employees. I like it.
SIME…get your things right
I’ll break it to you right away. I’m not a big fan of SIME. SIME was one of the key events back in 99′ before the bubble burst. Then they spent quite many years hiding somewhere close to where Santa Claus lives. Now SIME is sort of back…in a new costume…updated…with interesting seminars…NOOO. SIME, much […]
Let's design more and better
Thinking about how to fit design into your business. Follow this link to a wonderful and insightful with practical ideas and real-life examples of just that. Found it over on the SwissMiss blog.
Innovative Music video from Arcade Fire
Arcade Fire has produced a cool little promo site for their new album Neon Fire. It’s an innovative way to use interactive video. No square boxes and no timelines. Just music and you. Check it out here ›› More about Arcade Fire here ››
$1.5 trillion. That's a good cause as any
$1.5 trillion is how much United States of America has spent on it’s war in IRAQ according to a report at BBC News. I don’t know how to say it except for: Stop. Just stop. Stop it I said! What’s your f#*’#n problem. Stop! Why the hell don’t you just stop! Stop your god damn […]
Alex Bogusky got some nice thoughts on brands
Before going to sleep I browsed my feeds in Netvibes and noticed a nice post from my good friend Per on his blog. It’s about a movie where Alex Bogusky, one of the founders of Crispin Porter + Bogusky, talks about his point of view on brands. Wise words, worth listening too, but a little […]
My prediction on slide 16 from the Daytona Sessions presentation now a reality
In my presentation on the future of digital communication in 2012 at Daytona Sessions two weeks ago I made 10 predictions about the future. One of them was that social media will be central in all communication. In slide 16 I showed how Facebook would replace web-based email within the next 3 month. Today, Mindpark […]
Internet is changing the world…but we need to do more for our kids
Richard Gatarski published a set of movies on his blog yesterday. One of them is called “Did you know 2.0” and it was first created by Karl Fisch & Scott McLeod for a high school in Colorado (USA) to start a conversation about what students need to be successful in the 21st century. If you […]
Wise words on Design
Another FFFound image. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?
I Miss .Gif
Saturday morning. About to head downtown for a strole with my youngest daughter Linn. Just before leaving I browsed some RSS feeds in Netvibes. Ended up on admiring these lowtech animated .gif on FFFound. .Gif is almost extinct nowadays so stuff like this make me remember 1996 when everything was about compressing, web-safe colors & […]
I think I can beat Mike Tyson…or Photoshop…or Aperture
It seems that there are some cool apps being made solely for the new OS X Leopard update from Apple. Naked Light is absolutely one of them. Naked Light is a new imaging tool that throws away antiquated concepts like pixels; layers; 8-bit color; and destructive, non-re-editable filters and operations. Instead, compositions in Naked light […]
Good things comes to those who wait
I’m a big fan of Surfing. I’m a big fan of Ireland. I’m a big fan of Easky. And that’s what got me into drinking Guinness. The advertising business got me into liking the advertising Guinness do. What are you into? Guinness?
I'm in to skiing…and now I'm into Indigo
Since I was 2.5 years old one of my true natures has been snow and things you do on top of it. The last couple of years has been about to much work and to little skiing and snowboarding. Indigo is a new line of skis + accessories handmade in Germany If I can get […]
Dilbert delivers insight about the future
This little piece of Dilbert found on NOTCOT put’s the finger on things
An Absolut, but tragic change in advertising strategy
Absolut Vodka, one of Swedens premium export brand has provided the world with consistent advertising since first exported in 1979. The last couple of years the brand has been seen luring around with different experiments in what seems to be a search for new strategy in it’s advertising. Now for the first time (if you […]
Death of the traditional agency?
Andrew Keen has written a very interesting post about the death of the ad-agency as a result of Web 2.0. Well worth a read.
Prediction nr 6 for 2012 seems to become reality sooner than later as Google announces their mobile OS
Last week I spoke at Daytona Sessions about what would shape digital communication of tomorrow. I suggested 10 things. Nr 6 was my prediction about mobile phones. Basically my whole point was that Apple, Microsoft and Google would take the market leader position as phones will no longer be phones but instead mobile computers that […]
Talking at Daytona Sessions…in Swedish
Last night I held a speach at the Daytona Sessions about the communication of tomorrow. Actually where digital communication is in 2012. Here is the video recording of it. Enjoy! The presentation | View | Upload your own Part 1 Part 2
20 years later and Tony Hawk is still the man!
When I grew up I spend quite many days snowboarding, surfing and skating. One of the skate-heroes back then was of course Tony Hawk. Well, he still rips the shit out of anyone! You ROCK Tony! Tony Hawk At Soggy Bottom on
FC Barcelona have unveiled the design of their new Camp Nou stadium by Foster + Partners.
Barcelona, owners of the Camp Nou, one of the coolest Football stadiums in the world are about to rebuild their stadium. And the new one is a KILLA! Find all the information where I found it, at the Dezeen Blog.
I used to Skateboard
So, when I found this extraordinary gallery at Notcot I just had to tip about it. You rarely see sports portrayed in a way that is good looking. But this is stunning!
Notcot. A blog filled with things I love.
Looking for inspiration, wonderful objects, graphical design etc etc etc.I direct you to A wonderful blog about wonderful things. Or a visual filtration of ideas + aesthetics + amusement as they themselves call it.Enjoy
Condom advertising doesn't get any better than this
Ogilvy Redcard Singapore delivers a stunning idea for Durex condoms. It makes you wanna fuck…with condoms!
Copywriter's birthday card
I love it!Picked it up onCore 77
Innovative Grafitti
Alexandre Orion innovates graffiti. But obviously you’re not allowed to help cleaning up public spaces.
This guy knows Lego
Andrew Lipson has a beautiful collection of Lego creations on his website. This interpretation of Eschers “Relativity” is my favorite. A truly innovative way to use lego. Read more about it on Andrew’s website.
I Ffffound my new favourite image search
Head over to Ffffound (yes, that’s their name) and enjoy beautiful imagery! It’s there!
Diesel, the Innovator
Here’s a clip that really impresses me. Diesel, fashion brand innovates with a 3D hologram catwalk.
My new Suunto T4
Today I got my new Suunto T4 with a GPS Pod and Hearth Monitor. Off course I could not resist trying it out immeadiatly. Said and done. I took of on a 7.5k run. 44 minutes! later I got the result that I’m over achieving…I gotta get shaped. Anyway, It works like a clock (should […]
Turbo 3G is The Shit
A new dawn is rising. I’m on vacation. We’re spending most of it in the Swedish archipelago. Thousands of remote islands outside of Stockholm. Usually I’m out here cut of from the civilisation. Well, at least cut of from Internet and work. This spring however, most mobile operators in Sweden has launched Turbo 3G. And […]
Facebook attracts 1,000 developers a day
ZDNet Australia reports that In less than a month, Facebook has attracted more than 40,000 developers who have already created around 1,500 applications for the social networking platform. At the Facebook Developer Meetup in New York last week, the mood was summed up by a clean-cut young entrepreneur who had written “I NEED AN APP” […]
Let's bring football to China
Well, that’s exactly what I’m involved in doing. Apart from my daily business at Foreign, I’m one of the partners in a company called We’re building an online community in China for football fans. Apart from the community, we’re also the official partner of many of the finest football clubs in the world, Liverpool FC […]
The Cool Hunter roams the globe for you
Link of the day. The Cool Hunter. Wonderful source of things that you didn’t know you wanted.
The End of Buying Gadgets?
Yesterday I spent some time wandering the streets of old London. One of the things I always do when I’m in London is to visit the many splendid gadget stores. They’re packed with technological goodies for the everyday man (or at least the everyday gadget idiot man). However, yesterday I felt quite bored when I […]
A room with a view
Room 860 in the Savoy, London. This is where the blog started. I’m off to a meeting followed by a dinner tonight. Then back to Sweden tomorrow. Spent some time to find a nice but simple template for my blog and ran into this Hemingway Reloaded by Andre at
Who better than Kylie can bring out the best in a Summer Collection
Background As part of the summer campaign for 2007, H&M teamed up with Australian pop princess and all round style icon, Kylie Minogue. The collection focused on beach and pool wear with distinctive patterns and colours, including bikinis, sunglasses and other unique products and accessories. Challenge To create an experience where the user is exposed […]
Awards 2003 – 2007
In 2002 I was part of founding the Foreign Digital Advertising agency. Here’s a list of the awards I’ve been part of winning between 2003 and 2007 (so far). I’ll post the 2008 awards later. 2007 New York Festivals, Finalist Award Winner 2007, “FedKit Germany”, adidas International. Category: Interactive & Alternative Media New York Festivals, […]
Foreign provided the vows for the marriage between H&M and Viktor and Rolf.
Background Once again H&M teamed up with a design house to provide an exclusive clothing collection. Previously Karl Lagerfeldt and Stella McCartney have worked with H&M, this time it was the turn of design duo Viktor & Rolf. Challenge H&M must always stay one step ahead of its competitors. Therefore it was essential that the […]
Kosta Boda and NK join together in a kaleidoscope of art.
Background During the “Swedish Design Summer” Kosta Boda held a glass art exhibition at NK, Stockholm’s premium department store. NK was chosen as the perfect “gallery” for Kosta Boda, as it represents exclusivity and design, and has a wide variety of Swedish and international customers. Challenge Conceptualise and commission an exhibition that would make visitors […]
Looking for